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Wednesday 24 July 2013

Budvar Dark

From the Budvar stable, a strong dark rich lager, serve cold and it's delightful, not a session beer. 4.7%ABV. 
A Bohemian 8.9 MBW

From the producer:-
"The finest available ingredients are transformed into Budweiser Budvar's dark lager by the devotion to the brewers' art so long cherished by our brewery. The result: a lager with an inimatable flavour straight from the heart of darkness. Experience the magic every time you take a drink."

Commercial Description (June 2014)
"Declared Best Lager in the World in this year's World Beer Awards, run by Beers of the World magazine, Budweiser Budvar Dark is a retro-beer. This is because it has been designed to come as close as possible to how all Bohemian and Bavarian lagers tasted before bottom fermented golden lager stole the show in the mid nineteenth century. Now, thanks to Budweiser Budvar, the Darkside is moving centre stage again."

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